Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Acting out a story together

We had a breezy sunny afternoon outside today. The picture shows a group of children who were playing together, completely absorbed in their role play game. They had dressed up independently; given each other parts in the story; and found some crates and a wheel barrow as props. They took them to the farthest corner of the garden where we have a large willow igloo and set up home.

They hardly noticed the adult taking pictures at all, and chattered away to each other, suggesting what would happen next and rearranging the props for each stage in the story, taking turns and listening and building on each others ideas.

We love to observe this sort of play in Early Years. When the children work together like this they are negotiating roles and agreeing ways to work together. They learn the skills to socialise and cooperate with their friends, how to respect the decisions of others and not always have their own way. These are all real foundations for them in the future.

Friday, 15 May 2015

Butterfly Release

We have been watching our caterpillars carefully as they have changed over the last two weeks. We've talked about the stages of their lifecycle, and we were fascinated when they started to emerge from the chrysalis this week.

Today it was time to release our butterflies into our garden so they can fly about and live on our plants we hope.

We were amazed and thrilled to see them go.

Thursday, 14 May 2015


Today we used the IPad app Kodable to develop our coding skills. We had to think hard about which arrows we needed to use and in which order, and how to "debug" our codes when they didn't work. We were able to help each other when we were stuck, and we loved the thrill of completing a level.

We showed great computational thinking!!

Friday, 8 May 2015

TES Awards

We are very proud to have been shortlisted for a national award for our Early Years setting by the Times Educational Supplement (TES). We are one of 8 Early Years settings to have been shortlisted in the country. We will hear if we have been successful in June.

In readiness for the Award ceremony we have been taking photos of our busy Early Years during one session. We thought you might like to see some of the photos.

Tuesday, 5 May 2015


The chicks have hatched! They are growing very quickly and we are enjoying watching and looking after them every day.

We have learnt about the lifecycle of a chicken. We made egg sandwiches to help us understand the difference between live eggs and the eggs we eat for our tea.

We've read some great chick books too, these are two of our favourites!