Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Billy Goat's Gruff

 This week our story focus is the Three Billy Goat's Gruff. This is one of our favourites, we love trying out different voices and are just a little bit in awe of the troll!

We made wonderful scenery and have drawn out the story. Do you like the bridge?

We tiptoed and trip trapped across the bridge. 
Look out for the nasty troll!

Can you see the bridge leading to the sweet green grass. There are fish in the river!

Wonderful writing

Acting out the story - and using an iPad  to photograph my friend!      
Ask your child to tell you the story and watch it together.

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

World Nursery Rhyme Week

Last week we really enjoyed joining in with World Nursery Rhyme week

Our provision in Early Years was focused around the Nursery Rhymes we were learning over the week. 

We made Incy Wincy Spiders
And found some scary spiders in Clever Fingers

We had extra opportunities to make music and sing our rhymes with some new and exciting instruments and props.

We loved our big group celebration times - can you see Hickory Dickory Dock?

Polly put the kettle on and made lots of cups of tea, usually with added cake!

The children worked hard on literacy activities about Nursery Rhymes.

Ask your child to sing you their favourite rhyme for the week!

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Fire and Ice

Today we really enjoyed colour mixing and painting with fly swatters, metal spoons, pan scrubbers and washing brushes. We banged and mixed to see what patterns we could make and to splash out firework patterns.

We also explored ice balloons. We were fascinated at the shapes the frozen water balloons made, and how heavy they were. We sprayed water on them to melt them, and talked about the textures and colours. The red balloon made all the water red!

Some fantastic sorting and counting! I loved the four bats particularly! 

Counting cards from

Snack time is a great time to talk about the pictures on our snack table. This week we have images of firework paintings to inspire us.

Day 2 of our rope light - still very popular!

Monday, 3 November 2014

Welcome back

The children were excited to be back at school today. We are continuing to learn about Autumn and this week we will think about Bonfire Night and how to stay safe. Look out for some fun firework activities as the week goes on! We hope you enjoy a glimpse of our first day back.

We really enjoyed exploring our new rope light and making bright firework collages with glass beads and buttons.

The muddy kitchen was very popular today. I enjoyed some Spaghetti Bolognese with added sugar!
How many beanbags can we throw in? How many miss? How many are there all together?
We enjoyed threading leaves with real needles. Very good for helping our fine motor skills develop.

We were still enjoying sorting spooky confetti 

And worked hard to discover some hidden numerals!